Experience Overview

Project T
Midwinter - Behaviour Interactive
PC - Xbox - Playstation
2024 (Cancelled)
Role: Senior Systems Designer
Fully responsible for the game's vehicle systems - one of the most critical gameplay pillars of the project - and ensured that this part of the game was as fun and engaging as it could be. Worked on all aspects of vehicle gameplay from vehicle handling, camera controls, vehicle upgrade systems, vehicle damage and repair. Game was built using the Unreal 5 engine and features were implemented using Blueprints and the Gameplay Ability System.
Automatic counter steering. This along with precisely tuned handling ensured that the vehicle would never spin out or become uncontrollable due to extreme handling inputs or adverse situations.
Skillcheck repair system: When the vehicle gets damaged, players can cooperatively repair the truck using a skillcheck system similar to Dead By Daylight’s generator repair skillcheck. Eventually the repair system was tied into the game’s enemy ambush system, which created dynamic and tense scenarios where players have to defend one or more vulnerable players while being swarmed by enemies.
Vehicle Upgrade system: Leveraged existing game systems to provide a way to upgrade the vehicle mid match. System worked by placing gameplay objects within the vehicle, affecting it’s performance and allowing all players to contribute to the vehicle’s upgrade state.
Contextual Interaction and Highlight System: Worked with engineers to improve the game’s interaction system over several rewrites and revisions. The interaction system could highlight designer specified geometry, handle multiple inputs from multiple players in a networked multiplayer game, and have designer specified functionality. Helped engineering by making concrete use cases that would open up extra engineering time.

Call Of Duty: Vanguard
Sledgehammer Games - Activision
PC - Xbox - Playstation
2021 (Shipped)
Role: Systems Designer
Responsible for building moment to moment game systems that were part of the core game loop. Contribured to multiple gameplay systems used by the level design team to create gameplay moments within Call Of Duty levels
Dynamic Ammo System: Proposed, Prototyped, and contributed tuning and implementation of major player facing feature novel to Call Of Duty. The system monitors how much ammo the player has and - after a set threshold - dispenses ammo to the player via an item drop after the player kills an enemy. The amount of ammo the player received from that drop was pseudorandom, tuned to have peaks and valleys, so that gameplay would be more unpredictable and force the player to make every shot count. This greatly increased the game’s tension and pacing.
As a part of implementation, we had to create a system that would spawn pickups on corpses in a robust way, since ammo could spawn anywhere and needed to be accessible to the player at all times. We also had to tune every gun to reduce time to kill, since metering the amount of bullets also meant there were less in each level, necessitating guns to do more damage to maintain level pacing.
All implementation done using Call Of Duty’s proprietary GSC scripting language.
Traversal systems Contributed to wall climbing and squeeze through traversal. These systems enabled level designers to easily add wall climbing and squeeze through sections to their levels. Assisted in bugfixes and implementation.
“GAME OF THE YEAR” Todd and Aaron’s Game Awards - Mega 64 - 2021

Halo Infinite
343 - Microsoft
PC - Xbox
2021 (Shipped)
Role: Systems Designer
Responsible for multiple in game vehicles and weapons crucial to Halo's gameplay sandbox.
Vehicles: Did extensive tuning, prototyping, and scripting for multiple in game vehicles. Tuned vehicles for competetive and fun gameplay over intense iteration and playtesting. Revised controls and movement to facilitate better traversal and manuverability in open world and multiplayer environments. Balanced each vehicle within Halo's extensive sandbox of weapons, abilities, and other vehicles. Tuned and iterated on health states and damage conditions for vehicles.
Prototyped multiple new vehicles, adding new gameplay features and mechanics using extensive LUA scripting. Vehicles worked in both a multiplayer and singleplayer context and were the largest moving vehicles in a Halo title to date.
Weapons: Tuned and iterated on multiple vehicle weapons for fun and competative gameplay. Tuning included damage, fire rate, and range. Each vehicle had it's own weapon system that needed to be tuned and balanced against the rest of the game's sandbox.
Objectives: Prototyped and iterated on designer-placed objects that would serve as objectives in the game's open world levels. Scripted using LUA.

Forza Motorsports 6
Turn 10 - Microsoft
2016 (Shipped)
Role: Content Designer
Content designer for 2 Forza Motorsports DLC packs. Created AI layouts and other content related to tracks.
Each track has multiple layouts, each requiring several splines for each configuration. Authoring these required in-depth research and hours of fine tuning.
Additionally, I authored internal tools to aid designers in content creation, and pitched future game content.
Deer Hunter 2014
Glu Mobile
iOS, Android
Role: Content Designer
Mission and weapon designer working for Deer Hunter 2014, a F2P shooting game for iOS and Android.
Responsible for shipping multiple content updates for the game. These included designing levels, level layouts, enemies, weapons, and progression systems.
Personal Projects

Auto Museum 64
Auto Museum 64 is a virtual museum featuring cars, boats, and other vehicles from 20 racing games in the Nintendo 64 library. Using an emulator, extraction software, and a 3D modeling program these vehicles have been lifted out of their games of origin and recreated under one roof.

Crystal Slaves
A top down action dungeon crawler built in Unity. Built over a period of 4 years, the game has procedural levels, multiple persistant NPCs with hundreds of lines of dialog, and multiple scripted cutscenes. All art, programming, and music was done by me. Leaveraged Yarnspinner for dialog and cutscene scripting.
Skills Overview
Industry Experience
Over 10 years experience as a game designer. Contributed to multiple high profile AAA and Mobile games as a designer.
Programming and scripting experience on multiple roles - comfortable in highly technical roles doing high and low level implementation.
Collaboration is how I get things done. Works well with other designers, artists, programmers, and producers.
Game Systems
An expert at pitching, prototyping, and implementing game-wide features and systems.
Experience tuning difficult systems that are crucial to gameplay with frequent playtesting and iteration
Takes a holistic approach to game design, starting from core emotions players should feel engaging with systems, and then building supporting systems and gameplay to create those moments.
Game Engines
- Unreal 5
- Unity
- Godot
- COD Engine
- Slipspace (Halo Infinte)
Technical Skills
- C#, LUA, C++, GSC (Cod Engine)
- Node graph editors (Blueprints)
- Blender, 3D modeling